Top Five Tips to Reclaim Your Feminine Power

If you’re a woman who is feeling burnt out, stuck, or struggling to find ways to relax and reclaim your femininity and sense of ease in your life, have no fear. This is a common problem for feminine women as we are subjected to the demands of modern life and the expectations of patriarchal culture.
There is a solution to reclaiming your femininity!
It lies in leaning into our feminine strengths and releasing anything that pulls us out of alignment with our primary feminine polarity.
When we are out of alignment with our femininity, not only do we feel a sense of imbalance, but our wellbeing degrades. We may feel stuck, frustrated, burnt out, or disconnected from ourselves and others.
Some women have lost their connection to their feminine essence. Other women never realized how to be connected to their feminine nature in the first place!
What we gain when we recalibrate and realign ourselves with our inherent sacred feminine energy is a level of ease, empowerment, relaxation, and agency that we may have never had before.
Below, find five easy ways to start releasing the mask of the masculine in order to recenter yourself firmly in your feminine polarity!
Top Five Tips To Reclaim Your Feminine Power:
- Let go of “success” in favor of SATISFACTION. When we, as women, release the more patriarchal ideals that coincide with “success” – things like competition, hierarchy, and a “keeping up with the Jonese’s mentality" – we can settle into the far more fulfilling lifestyle of satisfaction. Satisfaction is defined as: The pleasure derived from the fulfillment of your wishes and needs. It is what most feeds the feminine and allows us to express ourselves fully.
- Find people, places, spaces that support your femininity. Look high and low to find places where femininity is exclusive (groups, clubs), or allies that offer you healthy feminine support. Basically, as a woman, you need to find your people! Meaning, find the ones who allow you to flourish in your femininity. They may be feminine women, or not. No matter how they identify, you feel safe in their presence to be your most feminine self.
- Never compromise getting your needs met. Ever. This is the most important element of relationships … and being human. Having our needs met is the underlying feature of the Four Keys: safety, security, trust, and cherishing. The Four Keys are essential to the wellbeing of every woman, and any time our needs aren’t met, we experience dissatisfaction! As a Satisfied Woman (or, an aspiring one!), bucking any dissatisfaction is essential to affirming our life as a feminine woman.
- Take your “time” — Respect your time concerns and needs. Here are some examples: Don’t stay in a career so long you can’t have kids (if you want them). Or, don’t stay single so long you can’t enjoy relationships (if you want them). Do what you want in YOUR own time, but be timely about it! Procrastination is NOT a feminine value, so honor your own needs around time, and be sure to surround yourself with people who also value your time and don’t string you along.
- Revere your feminine gifts … particularly your intuition and emotions. Be ruthless in cutting out places/people/spaces that don’t prize your femininity or honor your intuition and emotions. People who try to shut down your gifts need to go. Places that don’t allow your gifts to flourish need to drop off your priority list. Your inherent gifts of emotional and intuitive power are what set you apart as a feminine woman. Surround yourself with a life and lifestyle that is not just tolerant of your gifts, but empowered by them.
While there are so many ways to reclaim your feminine power (you can read all about them in my book, The Way of the Satisfied Woman), these five steps are a simple way to start paving your path toward satisfaction!
For more insights, listen to the companion episode of The Satisfied Woman podcast!